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中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (02) : 80 -84. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3253.2019.02.003

所属专题: 文献


阮远1, 李杏1, 潘生玉1, 余伟民1, 饶婷1, 袁润1, 宁金卓1, 程帆1,()   
  1. 1. 430060 武汉大学人民医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2018-06-05 出版日期:2019-04-01
  • 通信作者: 程帆

Clinical study on percutaneous nephrolithotomy(PCNL) with laparoscopy assisted and retrograde intrarenal surgery(RIRS) for treatment of renal calculi in pelvic ectopic kidney

Yuan Ruan1, Xing Li1, Shengyu Pan1, Weimin Yu1, Ting Rao1, Run Yuan1, Jinzhuo Ning1, Fan Cheng1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Urology, Renmin's Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430060, China
  • Received:2018-06-05 Published:2019-04-01
  • Corresponding author: Fan Cheng
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Cheng Fan, Email:

阮远, 李杏, 潘生玉, 余伟民, 饶婷, 袁润, 宁金卓, 程帆. 腹腔镜辅助经皮肾镜与输尿管软镜治疗盆腔异位肾结石的临床研究[J/OL]. 中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版), 2019, 13(02): 80-84.

Yuan Ruan, Xing Li, Shengyu Pan, Weimin Yu, Ting Rao, Run Yuan, Jinzhuo Ning, Fan Cheng. Clinical study on percutaneous nephrolithotomy(PCNL) with laparoscopy assisted and retrograde intrarenal surgery(RIRS) for treatment of renal calculi in pelvic ectopic kidney[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Endourology(Electronic Edition), 2019, 13(02): 80-84.






腹腔镜辅助PCNL和RIRS的平均手术时间分别为92 min和85 min,其平均结石最大径分别为19 mm和12 mm。RIRS术后的平均住院时间(3 d)短于腹腔镜辅助PCNL(5 d),其手术成功率分别为60%(3/5)和100%(3/3)。两种方法都没有严重并发症发生,术后复查均没有结石残留。




To explore the clinical efficacy of percutaneous nephrolithotomy(PCNL) with laparoscopy assisted and retrograde intrarenal surgery(RIRS) for treatment of renal calculi in pelvic ectopic kidney.


From January 2016 to October 2017, PCNL with laparoscopy assisted or RIRS were performed in 6 patients with calculi in pelvic ectopic kidney. Patient's demographics and perioperative characteristics (including age, sex, side of pelvic kidney, stone size, stone number, stone location, special medical history), operative and post-operative related details (including tract size, operation time, trocars, nephrostomy tube, abdominal drainage tube, double J stent, stone free, hospital stay) were reviewed.


The mean operation time of PCNL with laparoscopy assisted and RIRS were 92 min and 85 min respectively, and the mean stone size were 19 mm and 12 mm respectively. In addition, the mean hospital stay time of RIRS was 3 days and less than that of PCNL with laparoscopy assisted (5 days), and the success rate were 60%(3/5) and 100%(3/3) respectively. None had serious complications and residual calculi.


Both PCNL with laparoscopy assisted and RIRS are safe options in the management of patients with renal calculi in pelvic ectopic kidney. RIRS has advantages in invasion and hospital stay, and PCNL with laparoscopy assisted has the ability to deal with bigger stones and more complex situations with a higher success rate.

表1 6例盆腔异位肾结石患者的基本信息
图1 盆腔异位肾结石患者的术前影像学检查
图2 盆腔异位肾结石患者术中操作及术后三维重建影像
表2 6例盆腔异位肾结石患者术中及术后相关情况
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