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中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (06) : 530 -534. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3253.2021.06.018


陈海涛1, 马慧1, 李爽1,()   
  1. 1. 430016 湖北,华中科技大学同济医学院附属武汉儿童医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-30 出版日期:2021-12-01
  • 通信作者: 李爽

Laparoscopic reconstructive operation in the treatment of distal ureteral Y-shaped ectopic orifice with urinary incontinence in children with incomplete duplex kidney

Haitao Chen1, Hui Ma1, Shuang Li1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Urology, Wuhan children's Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Hubei 430016, China
  • Received:2021-04-30 Published:2021-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Shuang Li

陈海涛, 马慧, 李爽. 腹腔镜重建性手术治疗小儿不完全型重复肾远端输尿管Y型异位开口合并尿失禁[J]. 中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版), 2021, 15(06): 530-534.

Haitao Chen, Hui Ma, Shuang Li. Laparoscopic reconstructive operation in the treatment of distal ureteral Y-shaped ectopic orifice with urinary incontinence in children with incomplete duplex kidney[J]. Chinese Journal of Endourology(Electronic Edition), 2021, 15(06): 530-534.




回顾性分析本院收治的1例小儿双侧不完全型重复肾远端输尿管Y型异位开口合并尿失禁患儿临床病例资料,患儿,女性,6个月,因"漏尿伴反复发热6个月"入院。行CT检查:双侧重复肾输尿管畸形;双重复肾肾盂积水,双侧重复输尿管扩张迂曲;右侧下组肾积水及右侧输尿管扩张明显,并双侧重复输尿管异位开口可能。经外阴输尿管异位开口逆行插管造影检查:右侧重复肾及输尿管积水,右侧重复输尿管Y型异位开口。行利尿肾图检查:双肾总有效肾血浆流量为71.42 ml/min,双侧分肾功能相对摄取比,左肾为74.6%(上组肾16.22%,下组肾58.38%),右肾为25.2%(上组肾9.52%,下组肾15.88%)。膀胱镜检查:小阴唇内可见尿道口、阴道口、右侧输尿管异位开口,可见尿液持续自异位开口溢出;尿道内口近膀胱颈处可见左侧输尿管异位开口。在全麻下行腹腔镜右侧重复肾输尿管端侧吻合联合输尿管膀胱再植术,半年后行腹腔镜左侧重复输尿管端侧吻合联合输尿管膀胱再植术;分别于术后1个月返院复查,并拔除双J管。






To explore the experiences of laparoscopic reconstructive operation in the treatment of distal ureteral Y-shaped ectopic orifice with urinary incontinence in children with incomplete duplex kidney.


A retrospective analysis was made on the clinical data of a baby girl with bilateral distal ureteral Y-shaped ectopic orifice with urinary incontinence with incomplete duplex kidney. She was admitted to hospital for "leakage of urine and repeated urinary sensation for 6 months" in this study.CT examination: Bilateral duplex kidney and ureteral malformation,bilateral duplex hydronephrosis and ureter tortuous dilation, right lower group hydronephrosis and dilated ureters obvious, and bilateral duplex ureters may have ectopic opening. Retrograde urethrography through ectopic opening of ureter in vulva: Right duplex hydronephrosis and hydroureter, a same ectopic opening of right repeated ureters in vulva. Diuretic nephrography: Total effective renal plasma flow of both kidneys=71.42 ml/min, relative uptake ratio of bilateral renal function: L=74.6% (upper group kidney 16.22%, lower group kidney 58.38%), R=25.2% (upper group kidney 9.52%, lower group kidney 15.88%). Cystoscopy: Urethral orifice, vaginal orifice and right Y-shaped ectopic ureter opening can be seen in labia minora, and continuous overflow of urine from the ectopic opening can be seen, the same left ureter opening can be seen near the bladder neck on the left side of internal orifice of urethra. She was treated under general anesthesia with laparoscopic right end-to-side ureterostomy combined with ureterovesical replantation.One month after the operation, she returned to the hospital for reexamination and removed the D-J tube. Six months later,laparoscopic left ureteral end-to-side anastomosis combined with ureter bladder replantation was performed.


The operation was successfully completed. The continuity and patency of bilateral upper urinary tract were restored by laparoscopic reconstruction. Follow up of over 1 year, her bilateral duplex hydronephrosis and hydroureter were significantly alleviated, and there was no obvious urinary incontinence.


Laparoscopic end-to-side ureteral anastomosis combined with ureter bladder replantation is a safe and effective minimally invasive method for the treatment of Y-type ectopic orifice of distal ureter with urinary incontinence in children with incomplete duplex kidney. It can save the patients with renal function of upper and lower components of the kidney, and completely solve the urinary incontinence caused by ectopic ureteral orifice.

图8 腹腔镜左侧重复肾输尿管端侧吻合联合输尿管膀胱再植术
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