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中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (04) : 323 -330. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3253.2024.04.005


黄俊龙1, 刘柏隆1, 罗瑞翔1, 李晓阳1, 李文双1, 柳政1, 陈嘉良1, 周祥福1,()   
  1. 1. 510630 广州,中山大学附属第三医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-28 出版日期:2024-08-01
  • 通信作者: 周祥福
  • 基金资助:
    广州市科技计划项目(202103000035); 中山大学附属第三医院临床研究专项基金远航计划项目(YHJH202205); 广州地区临床高新、重大和特色技术项目(2023P-TS34)

A combined analysis of clinical data and pelvic floor ultrasound data for exploring the risk factors of stress urinary incontinence

Junlong Huang1, Bolong Liu1, Ruixiang Luo1, Xiaoyang Li1, Wenshuang Li1, Zheng Liu1, Jialiang Chen1, Xiangfu Zhou1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Urology, the Third Affliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510630, China
  • Received:2022-11-28 Published:2024-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Xiangfu Zhou

黄俊龙, 刘柏隆, 罗瑞翔, 李晓阳, 李文双, 柳政, 陈嘉良, 周祥福. 联合盆底彩超数据和临床资料探讨压力性尿失禁的危险因素[J]. 中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(04): 323-330.

Junlong Huang, Bolong Liu, Ruixiang Luo, Xiaoyang Li, Wenshuang Li, Zheng Liu, Jialiang Chen, Xiangfu Zhou. A combined analysis of clinical data and pelvic floor ultrasound data for exploring the risk factors of stress urinary incontinence[J]. Chinese Journal of Endourology(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(04): 323-330.






多因素Logistic回归显示,患者BMI≥24 kg/m2、有阴道分娩史、分娩胎儿体质量大、膀胱颈移动度增大、尿道内口漏斗形成、肛提肌裂孔扩张、膀胱膨出及会阴体运动过度与压力性尿失禁的发生密切相关,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。基于多因素分析结果,构建出压力性尿失禁的预测模型,ROC曲线下面积为0.928(95%CI:0.890~10.966,P<0.001),模型的最佳截断值为0.382,灵敏度为92.0%,特异度为84.3%。并且,与轻度压力性尿失禁相比,中、重度压力性尿失禁患者膀胱颈移动度增大率、尿道内口漏斗的形成率、肛提肌裂孔扩张率、膀胱膨出率及会阴体过度运动率更高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。




To explore the risk factors of stress incontinence with pelvic floor ultrasound data and related clinical data.


A total of 238 female patients who were admitted to Urology Department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from October 2022 to October 2023 in need of perfect pelvic floor ultrasound examination were selected, including 123 in the stress incontinence group and 115 in the non-stress incontinence group. Clinical data and pelvic floor ultrasound data of all patients were collected. T test or Chi-square test were used for difference analysis to screen the risk factors of stress urinary incontinence. Secondly, multiple Logistic regression was used to further screen the independent risk factors of stress urinary incontinence. A prediction model of stress urinary incontinence was constructed according to the independent risk factors and the receiver operator characteristic curve of the model was drawn for verification. In addition, patients with stress urinary incontinence were divided into mild, moderate and severe groups according to the Incontinence Advisory Committee International Scoring Criteria (ICI Q-SF), and Chi-square test was used to analyze the differences in independent risk factors of pelvic floor among the three groups.


Multivariate Logistic regression showed that BMI≥24 kg/m2, history of vaginal delivery, large fetal weight during delivery, increased bladder neck mobility, infundibular formation of internal urethral orifice, expansion of anal divider, cystocele and excessive movement of perineal body were closely related to the occurrence of stress incontinence, with statistical significance (P<0.05). Based on the results of multi-factor analysis, a prediction model for stress urinary incontinence was constructed. The area under ROC curve was 0.928(95%CI: 0.890-10.966, P<0.001), the optimal cut-off value of the model was 0.382, the sensitivity was 92.0%, and the specificity was 84.3%. In addition, compared with mild stress incontinence, the increased rate of bladder neck movement, the formation rate of inner urethral orifice funnel, the expansion rate of anal levator hiatus, the cystocele rate and the overmovement rate of perineal body were higher in patients with moderate and severe stress incontinence, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).


The prediction model of stress urinary incontinence constructed by the combination of clinical data and pelvic floor ultrasound can provide a simple and scientific tool for clinical screening of females at high risk of stress urinary incontinence. The ultrasound data of pelvic floor may be the objective reference for the classification of stress urinary incontinence.

图1 门诊接受盆底彩超检查患者盆底参数示意图  图2 压力性尿失禁(SUI)预测模型的ROC曲线注:图1为静息状态下盆底正中矢状切面,其中PS为耻骨联合,U为尿道,BL为膀胱,V为阴道,F为肛管,R为直肠;图1b、1c分别为静息状态及Valsalva状态下膀胱颈位置,其中C为耻骨联合水平线,A、B分别为静息状态及Valsalva状态下膀胱颈到C的距离,A-B差值即为膀胱颈移动度,D为膀胱尿道后角;图1d为肛提肌裂孔;图1e为Valsalva状态下尿道内口漏斗形成,箭头所示即为尿道内口漏斗
表1 压力性尿失禁(SUI)危险因素的单因素分析
因素 SUI组 无SUI组 统计值 P
例数 123 115    
年龄[例(%)]     χ2=6.976 0.031
≤35岁 15(12.20) 23(20.00)    
36~55岁 64(52.03) 41(35.65)    
≥56岁 44(35.77) 51(44.35)    
BMI[例(%)]     χ2=10.642 0.001
< 24 kg/m2 72(56.54) 90(78.26)    
≥24 kg/m2 51(41.46) 25(21.74)    
职业[例(%)]     χ2=0.231 0.972
脑力劳动者 52(42.28) 47(40.87)    
体力劳动者 37(30.08) 33(28.70)    
家庭主妇 26(21.14) 27(23.48)    
无业 8(6.50) 8(6.95)    
受教育程度[例(%)]     χ2=4.257 0.234
初中以下 23(18.70) 29(25.22)    
初中 47(38.21) 41(35.65)    
高中及大中专 31(25.20) 22(19.13)    
大学及以上 22(17.89) 23(20.00)    
是否绝经[例(%)]     χ2=1.482 0.224
62(50.41) 67(58.26)    
61(49.59) 48(41.74)    
是否经产[例(%)]     χ2=1.486 0.223
78(63.41) 64(55.65)    
45(36.59) 51(44.35)    
末次分娩至今间隔时间[例(%)]     χ2=4.232 0.238
10年内 16(13.01) 22(19.13)    
10~20年 27(21.95) 16(13.91)    
20~30年 31(25.20) 25(21.74)    
>30年 49(39.84) 52(45.22)    
存在阴道分娩[例(%)]     χ2=4.331 0.037
98(79.67) 78(67.83)    
25(20.33) 37(32.17)    
最大儿体质量[kg,(±s)] 3.35±0.04 3.23±0.04 t=2.168 0.031
阴道侧切/裂伤史[例(%)]     χ2=4.903 0.027
69(56.10) 48(41.74)    
54(43.90) 67(58.26)    
子宫切除[例(%)]     χ2=10.681 0.001
18(14.63) 3(2.61)    
105(85.37) 112(97.39)    
膀胱颈移动度增大[例(%)]     χ2=51.760 <0.001
102(82.93) 43(37.39)    
21(17.07) 72(62.61)    
膀胱后角开放[例(%)]     χ2=16.548 <0.001
96(78.05) 61(53.04)    
27(21.95) 54(46.96)    
尿道内口漏斗形成[例(%)]     χ2=64.753 <0.001
92(74.80) 26(22.61)    
31(25.20) 89(77.39)    
肛提肌裂孔扩张[例(%)]     χ2=20.512 <0.001
91(73.98) 52(45.22)    
32(26.02) 63(54.78)    
膀胱膨出[例(%)]     χ2=16.971 <0.001
86(66.92) 50(43.48)    
37(30.08) 65(56.52)    
子宫脱垂[例(%)]     χ2=6.150 0.013
42(34.15) 27(23.48)    
81(65.85) 88(76.52)    
会阴体运动过度     χ2=33.472 <0.001
83(67.50) 35(30.43)    
39(31.70) 80(69.57)    
表2 压力性尿失禁(SUI)危险因素的多因素Logistic回归分析
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