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中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (04) : 367 -371. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3253.2023.04.011


张翼飞, 郭强, 赖华健, 钟文文, 叶雷, 马波, 瞿虎, 尧冰, 邱剑光, 王德娟()   
  1. 510655 广州,中山大学附属第六医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-27 出版日期:2023-08-01
  • 通信作者: 王德娟

Analysis of the effectiveness of enhanced recovery after surgery in the perioperative period of children with hypospadias

Yifei Zhang, Qiang Guo, Huajian Lai, Wenwen Zhong, Lei Ye, Bo Ma, Hu Qu, Bing Yao, Jianguang Qiu, Dejuan Wang()   

  1. Department of Urology, the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510655, China
  • Received:2022-03-27 Published:2023-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Dejuan Wang

张翼飞, 郭强, 赖华健, 钟文文, 叶雷, 马波, 瞿虎, 尧冰, 邱剑光, 王德娟. 加速康复外科在儿童尿道下裂围术期的应用效果分析[J]. 中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版), 2023, 17(04): 367-371.

Yifei Zhang, Qiang Guo, Huajian Lai, Wenwen Zhong, Lei Ye, Bo Ma, Hu Qu, Bing Yao, Jianguang Qiu, Dejuan Wang. Analysis of the effectiveness of enhanced recovery after surgery in the perioperative period of children with hypospadias[J]. Chinese Journal of Endourology(Electronic Edition), 2023, 17(04): 367-371.






患者总住院时间为(5.8±2.6)d,总术后住院时间为(3.9±2.2)d,手术时间为(139±47)min,术中出血量为[10(5,20)]ml,术后3 h恢复饮食者占87.5%(98/112),术后当天下床活动者为83.9%(94/112),术后随访2~53个月,中位时间27个月。术后总体并发症发生率为19.6%(22/112),其中感染2例,予抗炎引流后好转;尿瘘9例,尿道狭窄4例,尿瘘伴尿道狭窄4例,尿道憩室1例,阴茎头裂开1例,尿道肿物1例,予再次手术后均好转。




To retrospectively analyze the effectiveness of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) management on children with hypospadias during the perioperative period.


The clinical data of 213 children with hypospadias admitted to the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from July 2018 to August 2022 were collected, and 112 patients with hypospadias were included, including 29 patients treated with Duckett surgery, 17 patients treated with modified Onlay surgery, 41 cases with TIP surgery and 25 cases underwent surgical repair due to urinary fistula. All children were managed by ERAS process in the perioperative period, and the baseline data of children's age, height, BMI, comorbidity, operation mode, operation time, anesthesia mode, analgesia mode, intraoperative blood loss were analyzed retrospectively. At the same time, the clinical data of children's postoperative hospitalization time, postoperative recovery time of diet and activity, postoperative complications were collected.


The overall hospitalization time was (5.8±2.6) d, the overall postoperative hospitalization time was (3.9±2.2) d, the operation time was (139±47) min, and the intraoperative blood loss was [10(5, 20)] ml.87.5%(98/112) of the patients returned to diet 3 hours after the operations, and 83.9% (94/112) of the patients had out-of-bed activity in the day after the operations. The median follow-up time was 27 months, ranging from 2 to 53 months. The overall postoperative complication rate was 19.6% (22/112), of which 2 cases were infected and improved after anti inflammation and drainage, 9 cases of urinary fistula, 4 cases of urethral stricture, 4 cases of urinary fistula with urethral stricture, 1 case of urethral diverticulum, 1 case of penis head rupture, and 1 case of urethral lump. All of them improved after reoperation.


ERAS is safe and effective in children with hypospadias during perioperative period, which can promote postoperative rehabilitation without increasing complications.

表1 接受加速康复外科(ERAS)管理尿道下裂患儿的临床资料
表2 尿道下裂手术患儿ERAS管理方案
实施时间 处理措施 具体内容
术前 术前宣教 (1)告知手术和麻醉过程,减轻家长精神压力,获取配合;(2)告知饮食要求和术后康复的详细步骤;(3)告知预设的出院标准及随访安排
入院评估 营养状况评估,纠正贫血及低蛋白血症,再次评估营养状况
控制感染 术前排除尿路感染、上呼吸道感染等。如存在感染,则感染控制后再进行手术
肠道准备 不采取清洁灌肠,禁止机械性肠道准备,正常饮食至禁食,1岁以下婴幼儿单纯用开塞露通便1次
术前饮食 固体进食至术前6 h;母乳进食至术前4 h;清饮至术前2 h(电解质或5%糖水5 ml/kg;1岁以下清饮为饮水)
超前镇痛 术前晚8点口服非甾体类解热镇痛药(NSAIDS)(布洛芬混悬液5~10 mg/kg)
抗生素使用 术前30 min应用;如手术时间>3 h,可在术中重复1次
术中 麻醉方案 气管插管全麻
局麻镇痛 骶麻:0.25%罗派卡因10 ml;伤口局部浸润麻醉
液体管理 主要补充生理需要量,按4 ml/kg/h计算,根据患儿心率、血压、尿量进行调整
体温保护 设定适宜的术间温湿度,术中避免不必要的暴露,连续监测患儿口咽部体温,维持体温在36~37℃,一张气体加温毯垫在床单下,一张鼓风机围脖式的加温毯围在患儿头颈部
手术方式 尽量选择合适的手术方式
管道管理 除非必要,减少膀胱造瘘管的留置
伤口缝合 可吸收线美容缝合或皮肤胶水,无需拆线
术后 术后镇痛 以NSAIDs为基础用药(布洛芬混悬液5~10 mg/kg),不使用阿片类药物镇痛
术后活动 术后清醒无不适即可下床活动,婴幼儿术后即可抱行。术后活动包括:(1)坐在床边或床外短时间活动(婴儿);(2)在病房内短暂步行或在床外喂食;(3)被父母抱行
术后饮食 术后清醒后可适量饮水,无呛咳,可进流质饮食。母乳喂养者患儿术后自然哺乳。定时评估患儿进食后有无腹胀,有无哭闹,听肠鸣音,确保患儿进食后肠功能安全恢复
术后抗感染 术后静脉用抗生素1 d,改用口服抗生素
表3 接受ERAS尿道下裂患儿术后情况
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