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中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (04) : 353 -360. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3253.2024.04.009


张斌1, 孙代宇1, 胡昕1, 韩菲1, 李久明1, 李功雨1, 吴伟力1, 冯宝富1, 彭国辉1,()   
  1. 1. 210019 江苏,南京医科大学附属明基医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2023-02-21 出版日期:2024-08-01
  • 通信作者: 彭国辉

Evaluation and comparison of the accuracy of the stone scoring systems in the prediction of stone-free rate after retrograde intrarenal surgery in different surgical experiences

Bin Zhang1, Daiyu Sun1, Xin Hu1, Fei Han1, Jiuming Li1, Gongyu Li1, Weili Wu1, Baofu Feng1, Guohui Peng1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Urology, Affiliated Benq Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu 210019, China
  • Received:2023-02-21 Published:2024-08-01
  • Corresponding author: Guohui Peng

张斌, 孙代宇, 胡昕, 韩菲, 李久明, 李功雨, 吴伟力, 冯宝富, 彭国辉. 评分系统预测不同经验手术者输尿管软镜术后结石清除率准确性的比较研究[J]. 中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(04): 353-360.

Bin Zhang, Daiyu Sun, Xin Hu, Fei Han, Jiuming Li, Gongyu Li, Weili Wu, Baofu Feng, Guohui Peng. Evaluation and comparison of the accuracy of the stone scoring systems in the prediction of stone-free rate after retrograde intrarenal surgery in different surgical experiences[J]. Chinese Journal of Endourology(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(04): 353-360.






218例患者总的结石清除率为68.3%(149/218)。其中50例以上手术者的结石清除率为83.5%(111/133),50例以下手术者的结石清除率为44.7%(38/85)。手术时间(20~232) min,平均(79±46)min。总住院时间为(4~15 )d,平均(5.2±1.8)d;术后住院时间为(2~8)d,平均(3.4±1.0)d。其中50例以上手术者的手术时间(20~150) min,平均(55±24)min;50例以下手术者的手术时间(30~232) min,平均(117±48) min,两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在一定的界值,不同评分系统预测不同经验手术者RIRS术后结石清除率均具有良好的敏感性和特异性。各结石评分预测不同经验手术者RIRS术后结石清除率的AUC值组间比较,差异无统计学意义(Z=1.695,P>0.05)。




To compare the accuracy of stone scoring systems in predicting stone clearance rate (SFR) after ureteroscopic lithotripsy (RIRS) in patients with different surgical experiences.


A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 218 patients with renal stones treated with RIRS from January 2021 to August 2022 in Affiliated Benq Hospital of Nanjing Medical University. Patients were divided into two groups ,with one group of over 50 surgeons and another of under 50 surgeons based on the experience of the surgeon. According to the scoring standards provided by various stone scoring methods, the same physician used preoperative urological CT and three-dimensional reconstruction to score the preoperative stone characteristics of two groups of patients and input data to evaluation and comparison of the accuracy of the stone scoring systems in the prediction of stone-free rate after RIRS in different surgical experience.


The total stone clearance rate of 218 cases was 68.3% (149/218). The stone clearance rate for patients who underwent more than 50 surgeries was 83.5% (111/133), while for patients who underwent less than 50 surgeries, the stone clearance rate was 44.7% (38/85). The surgical time was (20-232) min, with an average of (79±46) min. The total hospitalization time was (4-15) d, with an average of (5.2±1.8) d. The postoperative hospitalization time was (2-8) days,with an average of (3.4±1.0) d. Among them, the surgical time for more than 50 patients was (20-150) minutes, with an average of (55±24) minutes, and the surgical time for patients with less than 50 surgeries was (30-232) min, with an average of (117±48) min. There was significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). At a certain threshold, different scoring systems have good sensitivity and specificity in predicting the postoperative stone free rate of RIRS surgery in patients with different surgical experiences. There was no significant difference in the AUC value between groups for predicting the postoperative stone free rate of RIRS in patients with different surgical experiences based on different stone scores (Z=1.695, P>0.05).


There were differences in stone clearance rate and surgical time among surgeons with different experiences after RIRS, with surgeons with more than 50 experiences having a higher stone clearance rate and shorter surgical time. S.T.O.N.E., RUSS, improved S-ReSC, R.I.R.S., SHA-LIN, Ito column chart, S.O.L.V.E., stone clearance index, T.O.HO score could accurately predict the postoperative stone clearance rate of RIRS patients with different surgical experiences. For patients with complex conditions and high predictive scores, it is recommended to have experienced surgeons perform the surgery.

表1 肾结石各评分系统的计分方法
评分法 变量 评分
S.T.O.N.E.   1分 2分 3分
(S)ize结石负荷(mm) <5 5~10 >10
(T)opography结石位置 输尿管中下段 上段输尿管,肾盂,肾上盏 肾下盏
(O)bstruction肾积水 术前放置支架管或无积水 中度肾积水 重度肾积水
(N)umber of stones结石数目 1 2 ≥3
(E)valuation of HU结石CT值 <750 750~1 000 >1000
RUSS 结石负荷(cm) 结石大于2 cm为1分,结石每增加1 cm加1分
结石位置 位于肾下盏和肾盂肾下盏角<45°加1分
肾盏数 不同肾盏中结石数>1加1分
肾脏解剖结构异常 马蹄肾、盆腔肾加1分
改良S-ReSC 结石在肾盂肾盏位置 肾盂1分 上大盏组2分 下大盏组3分
上小盏前组4分 上小盏后组5分 中小盏前组6分
中小盏后组7分 下小盏前组8分 下小盏后组9分
R.I.R.S.   1分 2分 3分
Renal stone density结石密度(Hu) <1 000 >1 000  
Inferior pole stone肾下盏结石 IPA>30° IPA≤30°
RIL肾盂肾下盏长度(mm) ≤25 >25  
Stoneburden结石负荷(mm) ≤10 10~20 >20
SHA.LIN   1分 2分 3分
S:结石负荷(mm) <10 10~20 >20
H:肾积水程度 无或轻度 中度 重度
A:解剖分布 上段输尿管、上盏、肾盂 中盏 肾下盏或肾盏憩室
L:肾下盏IPA >45° ≤45°  
I:结石密度(Hu) <750 750~1 000 >1 000
N:受累肾盏数 1 2 ≥3
Ito列线图 结石体积(mm3) 体积>2 000计0分 1 000<体积≤2 000计5分 500<体积≤1 000计8分 体积≤500计13分
肾下盏结石 有计0分 无计5分  
手术者经验 <50例计0分 ≥50例计3分  
肾积水程度 有0分 无2分  
肾结石数量 多发计0分 单发计2分  
S.O.L.V.E.   0~1分 2分 3分
S结石表面积(mm2) <100计1分 100~250 >250
O梗阻程度(mm) ≤20计1分 >20  
L肾盏漏斗部至肾盂中点长度(mm) ≤25 mm计1分 >25 mm  
V累及肾盏数 输尿管上段、肾盂计0分;≤1个计1分 ≥2个  
E结石密度(Hu) ≤950计1分 >950  
清石指数(SFI)   0~1分 2分 3分
结石最大累计直径(mm) >20 10~20 <10
结石所在盏平均盏颈长度(mm) >15 10~15 <15
结石所在盏颈宽度与肾盏横径最小比值(mm) ≤0.3 0.3~0.7 >0.7
T.O.HO.   1 pt 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts
(T)allness,结石负荷(mm) <10 10~17 17~24 24~30 >30
(O)ccupied lesion,结石位置 输尿管 中上盏 下盏    
(HO)unsfied Units evaluation,结石密度(Hu) <620 620~1 100 >1 100    
图1 肾结石各评分系统预测RIRS术后结石清除率准确性的ROC曲线注:a为手术经验50例以上组,b示手术经验50例以下组
表2 不同经验手术者临床资料和各结石评分比较
项目 50例以上组(n=133) 50例以下组(n=85) 统计值 P
年龄[岁,(±s)] 53±12 46±11 t=3.985 0.805
性别[例(%)]     χ2=1.955 0.162
90(67.7) 65(76.5)    
43(32.3) 20(23.5)    
BMI[kg/m2,(±s)] 26.9±2.1 27.0±1.9 t=-0.008 0.235
美国麻醉医师协会分级[例(%)]     χ2=0.671 0.715
51(39.7) 37(28.9)    
72(56.1) 43(60.5)    
10(4.2) 5(10.5)    
患病侧别[例(%)]     χ2=0.606 0.436
左侧 57(42.9) 41(48.2)    
右侧 76(57.1) 44(51.8)    
手术时间[min,(±s)] 55±24 117±48 t=-12.744 <0.001
术后住院时间[d,(±s)] 3.5±1.1 3.4±0.8 t=0.486 0.093
总住院时间[d,(±s)] 5.3±1.9 5.1±1.6 t=0.647 0.067
结石直径[mm,(±s)] 13±6 12±5 t=0.206 0.645
肾积水程度[例(%)]     U=5015.000 0.089
无或轻度 83(62.4) 62(72.9)    
中度 42(31.6) 21(24.7)    
重度 8(6.0) 2(2.4)    
结石解剖分布[例(%)]     χ2=4.096 0.129
上段输尿管、上盏、肾盂 33(24.8) 31(36.5)    
中盏 41(30.8) 26(30.6)    
肾下盏或肾盏憩室 59(44.4) 28(32.9)    
肾下盏IPA     χ2=3.003 0.083
IPA>45° 87(65.4) 65(76.5)    
IPA<45° 46(34.6) 20(23.5)    
结石CT值[Hu,(±s)] 867±322 942±333 t=-1.663 0.444
结石数目[枚,(±s)] 2.5±1.3 2.3±1.1 t=1.366 0.134
S.T.O.N.E.评分[分,(±s)] 10.7±2.0 11.1±1.9 t=-1.501 0.452
RUSS评分[分,M(Q)] 1.0(0.0,2.0) 1.0(0.0,2.0) U=4888.000 0.080
改良S-ReSC评分[分,(±s)] 6.1±3.4 6.4±3.1 t=-0.693 0.160
R.I.R.S.评分[分,(±s)] 6.3±1.6 6.7±1.4 t=-1.987 0.479
SHA.LIN评分[分,(±s)] 10.2±2.5 11.2±2.6 t=-2.754 0.270
Ito列线图[分,(±s)] 12.0±6.3 6.9±5.0 t=6.201 0.032
S.O.L.V.E.评分[分,(±s)] 6.9±1.7 8.2±1.6 t=-4.872 0.807
清石指数评分[分,(±s)] 7.6±1.2 6.9±1.3 t=3.918 0.235
T.O.HO.评分[分,(±s)] 6.6±2.1 7.1±1.9 t=-1.463 0.156
表3 各结石评系统预测不同经验手术者结石清除率准确性的价值
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