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中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (06) : 572 -578. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3253.2024.06.007


石兵1,(), 张智1, 陈金海1, 唐文1   
  1. 1.518117 广东 深圳市龙岗区第六人民医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-09 出版日期:2024-12-01
  • 通信作者: 石兵

Application of two percutaneous renal calyx puncture methods under real-time ultrasound guidance based on electromagnetic tracking and surgical navigation system

Bing Shi1,(), Zhi Zhang1, Jinhai Chen1, Wen Tang1   

  1. 1.Department of Urology,Shenzhen Longgang District Sixth People's Hospital,Guangdong 518117,China
  • Received:2023-08-09 Published:2024-12-01
  • Corresponding author: Bing Shi

石兵, 张智, 陈金海, 唐文. 基于电磁跟踪和手术导航系统的实时超声引导下两种经皮肾盏穿刺方法的应用[J/OL]. 中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(06): 572-578.

Bing Shi, Zhi Zhang, Jinhai Chen, Wen Tang. Application of two percutaneous renal calyx puncture methods under real-time ultrasound guidance based on electromagnetic tracking and surgical navigation system[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Endourology(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(06): 572-578.






平面外穿刺组和平面内穿刺组的中位穿刺成功时间分别是:4.0(3.0~9.0)min和6.0(3.0~18.0)min,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);穿刺成功率分别是:95.0%(19/20)和93.3%(14/15),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组35例中有29例在一次穿刺尝试中就达到了精准穿刺效果,只有1例发生最高级别为Clavien-Dindo Ⅲa的手术并发症。




To introduce the application of real-time ultrasound-guided the outof-plane and the in-plane percutaneous renal calyx puncture techniques based on electromagnetic tracking and surgical navigation system.


35 cases of renal calculi undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy in Shenzhen Longgang District Sixth People's Hospital from September 2016 to July 2018 were analyzed. There were 25 males and 15 females,the median age of them was 44(29-70) years. BMI was 24.5(18.5-32.5) kg/m2. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy was conducted by the SonixGPSTM ultrasound equipment with electromagnetic tracking and navigation system produced by Ultrasonix of Canada. Under the guidance of electromagnetic tracking puncture needle,three-dimensional intraoperative navigation and real-time ultrasound guidance,two percutaneous calyceal puncture methods were used to establish the surgical channel by puncture the skin outside or inside the ultrasonic-image plane of ultrasonic transducer.According the different puncture methods,the cases were divided into two groups,20 cases in the outof-plane puncture group and 15 cases in the in-plane puncture group.


The median successful time of puncture in the out-of-plane puncture group and the in-plane puncture group was 4.0(3.0-9.0)minutes and 6.0(3.0-18.0) minutes,respectively,and the difference was significant difference (P<0.05).The puncture success rates were 95.0%(19/20) and 93.3%(14/15),with no significance (P>0.05). Among the 35 cases,29 cases was achieved with the precise puncture effect of one-time puncture attempt and only 1 case had surgical complications with the highest grade of Clavien-Dindo classification Ⅲa.


The real-time ultrasound-guided the out-of-plane puncture method based on electromagnetic tracking and surgical navigation system has shorter puncture time and easier operation. When the intercostal space is not wide enough,the in-plane puncture method can still be used for precise puncture.

表1 两组行PCNL的肾结石患者一般资料
图1 基于电磁导航的超声引导目标肾盏两种穿刺方法
图2 平面外穿刺过程
图3 平面内穿刺过程 注:图1a为平面外穿刺方法,A为穿刺路径,B为模拟电磁针道,C为穿刺针针尖到达目标肾盏,触及结石,D为距离显示为0.0 mm,图1b为平面内穿刺方法,A为穿刺路径,B为模拟电磁针道,C为穿刺针针尖到达目标肾盏,D示穿刺针和探头保持同平面状态;图2a为穿刺前超声定位,A为穿刺针位于超声探头一侧中心位置,B为针尖部准备穿刺皮肤,C为肾盂结石,D为针尖距离结石47.8 mm,图2b为SonixGPSTM超声设备,A为电磁发生器,B为超声探头,C为穿刺针,D为设备屏幕,图2c示穿刺针在探头一侧中心位置穿刺皮肤,图2d示取下针芯见尿液流出;图3a示穿刺针位于探头一端中心位置,图3b示穿刺前超声定位,A为穿刺针位于超声探头一端中心位置并与探头保持同一平面,B为针尖部准备穿刺皮肤,C为目标肾盏,图3c示穿刺过程中针尖到达肾实质,图3d示穿刺针针尖到达目标肾盏
表2 两组行PCNL的肾结石患者目标肾盏穿刺结果
表3 基于电磁跟踪导航的超声引导穿刺平面外穿刺方法和平面内穿刺方法比较
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