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中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2025, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (01) : 41 -46. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3253.2025.01.008


林宇腾1, 延敏博1, 许家榕1, 黄子豪1, 汤育新1,()   
  1. 1.519000 珠海,中山大学附属第五医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2022-08-31 出版日期:2025-02-01
  • 通信作者: 汤育新

Analysis of influencing factors on hospitalization time after ureteroscopy surgery

Yuteng Lin1, Minbo Yan1, Jiarong Xu1, Zihao Huang1, Yuxin Tang1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Urology, the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519000, China
  • Received:2022-08-31 Published:2025-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Yuxin Tang

林宇腾, 延敏博, 许家榕, 黄子豪, 汤育新. 输尿管软镜手术术后住院时间的影响因素分析[J/OL]. 中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版), 2025, 19(01): 41-46.

Yuteng Lin, Minbo Yan, Jiarong Xu, Zihao Huang, Yuxin Tang. Analysis of influencing factors on hospitalization time after ureteroscopy surgery[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Endourology(Electronic Edition), 2025, 19(01): 41-46.




纳入中山大学附属第五医院2018年4月至2021年3月,采用fURS治疗泌尿系结石患者203例,用单变量及多变量 Logistic 回归分析患者术后住院时间>48小时的围手术期预测因素。


203 例fURS患者中,有 59例患者术后住院时间>48小时;单因素分析显示术后住院时间>48小时的危险因素分别为:年龄(P=0.001)、手术时间(P=0.003)、既往泌尿系结石手术史(P=0.012)、术前置入双J管(P=0.008)、术前尿蛋白阳性(P=0.001)、术后肾周围炎(P=0.007);多变量 Logistic 回归逐步分析结果显示年龄>50.5岁、术前尿蛋白阳性、术后肾周围炎是fURS术后住院时间>48小时的独立风险因素。




To analyze the relevant risk factors affecting the hospitalization time of ureteroscopic surgery (fURS) and explore the possibility of using it as a daytime surgery.


203 patients with urinary tract stones treated with fURS in the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yatsen University from April 2018 to March 2021 were included in the study. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify perioperative predictive factors for patients with postoperative hospital stay>48 hours.


Among the 203 patients with fURS, 59 patients had a postoperative hospital stay of more than 48 hours. Univariate analysis showed that the risk factors for postoperative hospitalization time>48 hours were age (P=0.001), surgery time (P=0.003), previous history of urological stone surgery (P=0.012), preoperative insertion of double-J catheter (P=0.008), preoperative positive urinary protein (P=0.001), and postoperative perirenal inflammation (P=0.007). The stepwise analysis of multivariate logistic regression showed that age>50.5 years, preoperative positive urine protein,and postoperative perirenal inflammation were independent risk factors for postoperative hospitalization time>48 hours for fURS.


When patients are over 50.5 years old or have positive preoperative urinary protein, their postoperative hospitalization time is prolonged; patients aged ≦ 50.5 years and with preoperative negative urine protein can attempt fURS in the day operating room.

表1 行fURS患者术后>48 h出院和≤48 h出院两组术前资料比较
变量 >48 h出院 统计值 P
例数 144 59
年龄[岁,(xˉ±s)] 49±13 55±12 t=-3.233 0.001
白细胞[×109/L,MQ)] 6.30(5.34,8.16) 6.63(5.72,8.01) Z=-0.467 0.640
血红蛋白[g/L,MQ)] 137(127,147) 139(121,152) Z=-0.221 0.825
血小板[×109/L,MQ)] 235(200,279) 222(180,270) Z=-1.438 0.150
凝血酶原时间[秒,MQ)] 11.2(10.7,11.9) 11.1(10.65,11.6) Z=-0.581 0.561
国际标准经比值M(IQR) 1.04(0.99,1.1) 1.03(0.985,1.07) Z=-0.690 0.490
活化部分酶原时间[秒,MQ)] 29.6(28.1,31.7) 30.7(28.95,32.6) Z=-1.237 0.216
凝血酶时间[秒,MQ)] 14.4(13.6,15.0) 14.2(13.25,15.1) Z=-0.304 0.761
纤维蛋白原[g/L,MQ)] 3.34(2.81,4.02) 3.38(3.04,4.12) Z=-1.040 0.298
D-二聚体[ng/ml,MQ)] 89(59,150) 103(67,160) Z=-0.941 0.346
血肌酐[μmol/L,MQ)] 80(66,107) 91(72,123) Z=-1.726 0.079
尿白细胞[个/μl,MQ)] 27.1(7.8~94.4) 54.6(12.4~236.9) Z=-1.756 0.079
变量 >48 h出院 统计值 P
尿红细胞[个/μl,MQ)] 34.9(9.0~269.28) 82.4(8.7~573.2) Z=-0.896 0.370
肾静脉水平层面肾脏后侧脂肪厚度[mm,MQ)] 10(6~14) 10(6~17) Z=-1.246 0.213
84(58.33) 43(72.88) χ2=3.782 0.052
60(41.67) 16(27.12)
46(31.94) 17(28.81) χ2=0.238 0.626
98(68.06) 42(71.19)
135(93.75) 57(96.61) χ2=0.668 0.515
9(6.25) 2(2.39)
128(88.89) 52(88.14) χ2=0.024 0.878
16(11.11) 7(11.86)
98(68.06) 29(49.15) χ2=6.385 0.012
46(31.94) 30(50.85)
128(88.89) 59(100) χ2=7.116 0.008
16(11.11) 0(0)
109(75.69) 37(62.71) χ2=3.493 0.062
35(24.31) 22(37.29)
124(86.11) 46(77.97) χ2=2.040 0.153
20(13.89) 13(22.03)
133(92.36) 54(91.53) χ2=0.040 0.841
11(7.64) 5(8.47)
阴性 107(74.31) 31(52.54) χ2=10.597 <0.001
阳性 37(25.69) 28(47.46)
阴性 129(89.58) 51(86.44) χ2=1.178 0.278
阴性 15(10.42) 8(13.56)
82(56.94) 31(52.54) χ2=0.329 0.566
62(43.06) 28(47.46)
结石最大经≥1 cm[例(%)]
69(47.92) 20(35.59) χ2=2.703 0.100
75(52.08) 38(64.41)
表2 行fURS患者术后>48 h出院和≤48 h出院两组术中及术后资料比较
表3 fURS 患者术后住院时间>48 h危险因素多因素分析
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