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中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (05) : 485 -490. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3253.2024.05.011


王铭池1, 梁乐琦1, 刘永达1,()   
  1. 1. 510500 广东,广州医科大学附属第一医院泌尿外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-28 出版日期:2024-10-01
  • 通信作者: 刘永达
  • 基金资助:

Association between serum lipid and nephrolithiasis based on the NHANES database

Mingchi Wang1, Leqi Liang1, Yongda Liu1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Urology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou 510500, China
  • Received:2024-06-28 Published:2024-10-01
  • Corresponding author: Yongda Liu

王铭池, 梁乐琦, 刘永达. 基于NHANES数据库分析血脂与肾结石之间的关系[J]. 中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(05): 485-490.

Mingchi Wang, Leqi Liang, Yongda Liu. Association between serum lipid and nephrolithiasis based on the NHANES database[J]. Chinese Journal of Endourology(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(05): 485-490.




经过筛选,从NHANES数据库2007~2016年周期中纳入7 154名参与者。采用单因素、多因素Logistic回归分析和限制性立方样条图分析血脂(高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、甘油三酯、总胆固醇、胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白胆固醇)与肾结石发病风险的相关性。






To conduct a cross-sectional study based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) database in the United States to analyze the relationship between serum lipids and kidney stones.


7 154 participants were selected from the NHANES database from 2007 to 2016. Univariate and multivariate Logistic regression models and restricted cubic spline plots were used to analyze the correlation between serum lipids (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, total cholesterol, cholesterol /high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) and the risk of kidney stones.


The relationship between high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and kidney stones was non-linear, and the incidence of kidney stones decreased with the increase of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The relationship between low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, total cholesterol and cholesterol /high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and kidney stones were linear, and the risk of kidney stones increased with the increase of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, total cholesterol and cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.


Low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, and high cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol are associated with the incidence of kidney stones. The optimal management of dyslipidemia may reduce the risk of kidney stones.

图1 研究人群筛选流程图
表1 比较无肾结石者和肾结石患者基线临床特征
基线特征 无肾结石 肾结石患者 统计值 P
例数 6 412 742    
年龄[岁,(±s)] 53±15 57±15 t=-6.068 <0.001
性别[例(%)]     χ2=10.787 0.001
3 415(53.26) 348(46.90)    
2 997(46.74) 394(53.10)    
BMI[例(%)]     χ2=52.350 <0.001
≤20 kg/m2 248(3.87) 12(1.62)    
>20且≤25 kg/m2 1 572(24.52) 134(18.06)    
>25且≤30 kg/m2 2 268(35.37) 233(31.40)    
>30 kg/m2 2 324(36.24) 363(48.92)    
种族[例(%)]     χ2=56.657 <0.001
墨西哥裔美国人 920(14.35) 104(14.02)    
非西班牙裔黑人 1 287(20.07) 82(11.05)    
非西班牙裔白人 2 920(45.54) 417(56.20)    
其他西班牙裔人 641(10.00) 91(12.26)    
其他种族 644(10.04) 48(6.47)    
高血压[例(%)]     χ2=39.281 <0.001
2 527(39.41) 381(51.35)    
3 885(60.59) 361(48.65)    
糖尿病[例(%)]     χ2=45.007 <0.001
818(12.76) 161(21.70)    
5 594(87.24) 581(78.30)    
冠心病[例(%)]     χ2=15.157 <0.001
260(4.05) 53(7.14)    
6 152(95.95) 689(92.86)    
饮酒[例(%)]     χ2=16.609 <0.001
从不饮酒者 2 116(33.00) 247(33.29)    
轻到中度饮酒者 658(10.26) 111(14.96)    
重度饮酒者 3 638(56.74) 384(51.75)    
吸烟史[例(%)]     χ2=1.822 0.402
从不吸烟者 3 567(55.63) 411(55.39)    
过去吸烟者 1 618(25.23) 201(27.09)    
现在吸烟者 1 227(19.14) 130(17.52)    
教育水平[例(%)]     χ2=0.497 0.505
>高中 3 473(54.16) 412(55.53)    
≤高中 2 939(45.84) 330(44.47)    
家庭收入贫困比[例(%)]     χ2=1.874 0.392
<1.3 1 827(28.49) 213(28.71)    
≥1.3且<3.5 2 396(37.37) 293(39.49)    
≥3.5 2 189(34.14) 236(31.81)    
白蛋白[mg/L,M(Q1Q3)] 8.0(4.3,16.2) 10.6(5.7,22.6) Z=-6.626 <0.001
血肌酐(mg/dL) 120±73 125±69 t=-1.733 0.067
空腹血糖(mg/dL) 109±35 116±40 t=-4.449 <0.001
HDL-C(mg/dL) 56±17 52±16 t=5.888 <0.001
LDL-C(mg/dL) 113±34 117±35 t=2.725 0.006
甘油三酯(mg/dL) 120±65 131±70 t=-4.180 <0.001
总胆固醇(mg/dL) 191±40 197±40 t=3.349 <0.001
胆固醇/HDL-C 3.8±1.3 3.96±1.3 t=-3.384 <0.001
表2 Logistic回归分析所有研究参与者(n=7 154)中血脂与肾结石的关系
脂质分布的四分位数 模型1 模型2 模型3
OR(95%CI P OR(95%CI P OR(95%CI P
Quantile 1 1.00(Reference)   1.00(Reference)   1.00(Reference)  
Quantile 2 0.75(0.62~0.92) 0.006 0.78(0.62~0.99) 0.046 0.84(0.66~1.07) 0.152
Quantile 3 0.64(0.52~0.79) <0.001 0.69(0.51~ 0.95) 0.022 0.79(0.57~1.08) 0.140
Quantile 4 0.54(0.43~0.67) <0.001 0.60(0.39~0.93) 0.021 0.76(0.49~1.16) 0.205
Quantile 1 1.00(Reference)   1.00 (Reference)   1.00(Reference)  
Quantile 2 0.94(0.76~1.16) 0.566 1.01(0.76~1.33) 0.970 1.11(0.83~1.48) 0.482
Quantile 3 0.86(0.70~1.07) 0.179 0.97(0.66~1.43) 0.877 1.07(0.72~1.59) 0.738
Quantile 4 0.82(0.66~1.01) 0.066 0.88(0.52~1.47) 0.620 0.98(0.58~1.66) 0.937
Quantile 1 1.00(Reference)   1.00 (Reference)   1.00 (Reference)  
Quantile 2 0.95(0.75~1.19) 0.627 0.80(0.63~1.02) 0.068 0.76(0.60~0.97) 0.029
Quantile 3 1.12(0.90~1.40) 0.293 0.85(0.66~1.10) 0.220 0.77(0.59~0.99) 0.049
Quantile 4 1.45(1.17~1.79) <0.001 1.03(0.76~1.39) 0.865 0.89(0.66~1.21) 0.467
Quantile 1 1.00(Reference)   1.00 (Reference)   1.00(Reference)  
Quantile 2 0.88(0.71~1.08) 0.214 0.94(0.71~1.25) 0.682 0.96(0.72~1.28) 0.780
Quantile 3 0.75(0.60~0.93) 0.009 0.85(0.57~1.25) 0.402 0.87(0.59~1.30) 0.504
Quantile 4 0.80(0.64~0.98) 0.035 0.96(0.57~1.59) 0.866 1.02(0.61~1.71) 0.937
Quantile 1 1.00(Reference)   1.00 (Reference)   1.00(Reference)  
Quantile 2 1.29(1.03~1.61) 0.028 1.21(0.91~1.62) 0.186 1.17(0.88~1.56) 0.283
Quantile 3 1.35(1.08~1.69) 0.009 1.15(0.78~1.69) 0.474 1.11(0.75~1.62) 0.602
Quantile 4 1.48(1.19~1.85) <0.001 1.10(0.66~1.83) 0.722 1.07(0.64~1.78) 0.803
图2 血脂的变化与肾结石风险之间的关系
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