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中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版) ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (01) : 36 -40. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-3253.2024.01.007


王伟峰, 张军, 万建省, 刘四明, 邹源, 郑少秋, 郝继东, 廖国强, 龚华, 欧阳磊()   
  1. 201318 上海健康医学院附属周浦医院
    201203 上海中医药大学研究生院
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-19 出版日期:2024-02-01
  • 通信作者: 欧阳磊
  • 基金资助:
    浦东新区卫生健康委员会卫生计生科研面上项目(PW2020A-29); 浦东新区卫生健康委员会学科建设项目(PWZzk2022-22)

The application of self-made "forceps lifting" auxiliary device for en-bloc resection of bladder tumor through urethra in the treatment of non-muscular invasive bladder cancer

Weifeng Wang, Jun Zhang, Jiansheng Wan, Siming Liu, Yuan Zou, Shaoqiu Zheng, Jidong Hao, Guoqiang Liao, Hua Gong, Lei OuYang()   

  1. Department of Urology, Shanghai University of Medicine&Health Sciences Affiliated Zhoupu Hospital, Shanghai 201318, China
    Graduate School, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China
  • Received:2023-09-19 Published:2024-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Lei OuYang

王伟峰, 张军, 万建省, 刘四明, 邹源, 郑少秋, 郝继东, 廖国强, 龚华, 欧阳磊. 自制"钳举"辅助器在经尿道膀胱肿瘤整块剜除治疗非肌层浸润性膀胱癌的应用[J]. 中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版), 2024, 18(01): 36-40.

Weifeng Wang, Jun Zhang, Jiansheng Wan, Siming Liu, Yuan Zou, Shaoqiu Zheng, Jidong Hao, Guoqiang Liao, Hua Gong, Lei OuYang. The application of self-made "forceps lifting" auxiliary device for en-bloc resection of bladder tumor through urethra in the treatment of non-muscular invasive bladder cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Endourology(Electronic Edition), 2024, 18(01): 36-40.










To explore the clinical effect of self-made "forceps lifting" auxiliary device for transurethral bladder tumor en-bloc resection in the treatment of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.


The clinical data of 64 cases of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in Shanghai University of Medicine&Health Sciences Affiliated Zhoupu Hospital from March 2021 to January 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. They were divided into general group and improved group, 32 cases in each group. For enucleation, the improved group used a self-made "forceps lifting" auxiliary device for transurethral en-bloc enucleation of bladder tumors with holmium laser, the general group underwent traditional transurethral holmium laser en-bloc enucleation of bladder tumors. The operation time, intraoperative hemoglobin decrease, surgical complications and tumor recurrence were compared between the two groups.


The operations of all patients went smoothly. The hemoglobin in the improved group decreased by (5±3) g/L, the probability of bladder perforation was 0%(0/32), the tumor recurrence rate in situ was 3.13%(1/32), and the hemoglobin in the general group decreased (6±3) g/L, the probability of bladder perforation was 9.38%(3/32), and the tumor recurrence rate in situ was 12.5%(4/32), there was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). The operation time of the improved group was (19±7) min, shorter than the general group [(25±8) min](P=0.004); the number of people with muscular layer tissue in the tumor base of the improved group accounted for 93.75%, which was significantly more than that of the general group, which was 40.63% (P<0.001).


The holmium laser enuclear enucleation of transurethral bladder tumors treated with self-made "forceps lifting" auxiliary device has the same fewer surgical complications as general en bloc holmium laser enucleation of transurethral bladder tumors, and is safe. Because it can clearly and stably expose the tumor base, the operation time is shorter, and more muscle tissue at the base of the tumor can be obtained, which is conducive to tumor pathological detection. The technology is self-made with existing equipment, easy to operate, and worthy of clinical promotion.

表1 两组非肌层浸润性膀胱癌患者一般情况比较
图1 改良经尿道膀胱肿瘤钬激光整块剜除术手术关键步骤注:图a示4 F取石钳(蓝箭头所指)和6 F双J管推管(红箭头所指)在6点凹槽处进入内鞘;图b~d示在瘤体旁约1 cm标记,钳夹标记点处正常黏膜上提形成张力进行激光切割,蓝箭头示取石钳,红箭头示激光光纤;图e~g示取石钳钳夹上提黏膜形成张力,在钬激光爆破力作用下,显露膀胱浅、深肌层平面,沿该平面拓展推进,整块切除瘤体(蓝箭头示取石钳,红箭头示激光光纤);图h示切下的肿瘤组织由取石钳(蓝箭头所指)钳夹经电切镜鞘(红箭头所指)拖取出体外
表2 两组非肌层浸润性膀胱癌患者术中及术后情况比较
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